
Berkeley was established in 1960 by Tampa Bay-area families who wished to begin an independent co-educational day school as an alternative to the boarding experience.  They were convinced that an independent day school could best combine the elements considered essential to a complete education:  an academic institution consisting of fine facilities, 师资力量雄厚,课程完善, 有能力, 激励学生, 支持的家庭.

埃德加T. 二者, 棋牌游戏平台创始校长(1960-1978), came to Tampa from Asheville School in North Carolina and modeled Berkeley on the concept of a New England boarding school.  He and the Board of 受托人 were 承诺 to our mission statement of “providing the best possible environment to nurture the intellectual, 情感, spiritual and physical 开发ment of each student and to instill in them a strong sense of morality, ethics and social responsibility so that they might attain their highest potential as human beings.”
1961年,圣. 安得烈堂 with 140 students in grades seven through 12. Shortly thereafter, Berkeley moved to a site on Davis Islands, where it remained until 1979. The 较低的部门 was established in 1967 and was housed at St. 安得烈堂. In 1979, a new campus was built on Kelly Road for the 中间部门 and 上师 as a result of a $2 million capital campaign. By 1983, 另一个840美元,000 was raised to add the 较低的部门 facilities and unite the school on one campus in 1984.
2011年7月,学校迎来了Joseph W. Seivold成为棋牌游戏平台的第六任校长. 2018年10月, Berkeley announced it had achieved a milestone fundraising total of $65 million as part of 以上 & 超越:活动 棋牌游戏大全. The campaign helped fund campus-wide transformation and growth under the guidance of the Board approved Master Plan. 在2021年,学校宣布 现在棋牌游戏平台,永远棋牌游戏平台 活动的目标是2200万美元. The campaign includes the construction of the Forsyth Center for Elementary Education, 棋牌游戏平台教堂, renovations to various classrooms in the Dev Family 较低的部门 Complex, and the renovation of the Lykes Center for the 艺术. The campaign will also significantly increase Berkeley’s endowment in perpetual support of the new buildings and all programs.

今天, Berkeley is home to an 86-acre campus with approximately 1,从学前班到12年级的400名学生. The 2021-22 school year marked the 60th Anniversary of the school.


What is today known as Founders’ Day was originally called Baker-啊 Day. It was a holiday declared at the Headmaster’s discretion to honor the first two Chairmen of the Board of 受托人 at Berkeley, Dr. 科林F. 贝克和博士. 拉尔夫·E. 啊.

In the early years while it was called Baker-啊 Day, it was always a surprise. The only person who knew when Baker-啊 Day would be was the Headmaster – no one else. He would announce it at school convocation by simply saying, “Tomorrow will be Baker-啊 Day.“当然可以。, today it is known as Founders’ Day and is on the calendar so that all can enjoy it on a Monday in October.

It became known as Founders’ Day at the request of Dr. 贝克和博士. 啊, who wished that it be named Founders’ Day in honor of all who gave and sacrificed for Berkeley. 包括董事会成员, 教师 and parents- everyone that had any part in the early years of Berkeley. 它是 a day for all to enjoy but hopefully a day when we give a thought to those people who started 棋牌游戏大全.

Traditions and Symbols of 棋牌游戏大全


棋牌游戏平台的颜色是卡罗莱纳蓝和白. Carolina blue is actually Columbia blue, the official color of Columbia University in New York.


1961年9月, when the students walked into school for the first time, 学校没有任何标识, 吉祥物或传统. Mr. 二者 had a contest to adopt a nickname for the school and the students selected the Buccaneer. 当时, 在年鉴工作人员中, there was a young man named Ulysses Young who designed a Buccaneer, using this logo in several publications and in the yearbook.

当学校搬到凯利道校区, the class of 1979 dedicated a Buccaneer to the school and it is painted on the north wall of the Betty Jane Dimmitt Gymnasium. The class of 1999 added a new bronze Buccaneer to the outside wall of the sports complex; this logo is the one generally accepted today.

Over the years, the Buccaneer logos and mascots have been modified to their current versions.


In those beginning days a school prayer was written by Father Robert Maurais, who was the Assistant Headmaster and it is the one that is said at the morning convocations.




The athletic teams at that time requested that Father Maurais, who was also the School Chaplain and Trainer for the athletic teams, write a prayer for the Berkeley athletes to be said before athletic events.



体育精神可能.  守望我们——

Origin of the Berkeley Fight Song and the Alma Mater

The Berkeley Fight Song was written by Melissa Hoffman, who graduated from the school in 1981.  It was composed at the encouragement of her instructors, 梅林达·查韦斯和汤姆·贝里曼, 她在上一门人文学科的课.  At the time she wrote it, the song was used by the chorus under Mr. Berryman’s direction, and it was sung by the student body for about a year.  然后它被废弃了两三年.  在1985年毕业之前, Melissa’s brother Matthew was asked to find the sheet 音乐 at the family home in Clearwater.  他找到了它,并把它交给了Dr. LeBaron who decided it would make a good band-type arrangement for the Berkeley singers.  强大的海盗, 就像梅丽莎给这首战斗歌起的名字一样, has since become a staple in the repertoire of the Berkeley singers and is sung at pep rallies and sporting events.  它是, 还有母校, 这首歌在棋牌游戏平台校园里被唱得最多, and has become a permanent fixture in the traditions of the school.


战斗! 战斗!
1983年,在Dr. 勒巴伦在棋牌游戏平台的第一年. 胡佛, 谁是当时的英语系主任, visited Annapolis where she was deeply impressed by the 音乐al traditions of the academy.  她采访了当时的棋牌游戏平台大学校长. Shepard, about the need for Berkeley to have an Alma Mater.
他问医生. LeBaron把它作为一个项目.  Never having composed a note of 音乐 except for assignments in harmony and counterpoint classes, Dr. LeBaron approached the new Alma Mater with great trepidation.  尽管如此,它还是成功了.
在被学校正式收养后不久, it became traditional for the Berkeley singers to lead the 上师 student body in weekly singing of the Alma Mater at Friday morning convocations.  这个传统一直延续到今天.  The Berkeley singers include the Alma Mater in all their concerts both on and off the campus, and it is sung or played at all formal events such as graduation, 荣誉毕业典礼和学士学位.
The second verse of the Alma Mater was written for the class of 1986.  它是 执行ed with the first verse at the most formal of Berkeley’s events.




The Berkeley flag is the most recent symbol to be added to represent Berkeley.
In the spring of 1989 a committee of all-school 教师, student and alumni members met to plan a flag design contest for the fall of that year.  Information about the flag design contest was mailed to all current students and families, alumni students and families and friends of Berkeley.  Everyone was invited to use his or her creativity to initiate a new visual image to represent 棋牌游戏大全.
In October of that year, six design entries were selected.  获胜的旗帜设计是由杨先生提交的. 和夫人. Graham Bott and George Bott ’98, then a fourth grader.  The design was unveiled at the Homecoming pep rally on November 10, 1989 and exhibited at the Homecoming football game.
今天 the flag is displayed in each division and is used in all special events.
成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.